Phyllostegia knudsenii

Hillebr. (1888)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Lamiales Family: Lamiaceae Genus: Phyllostegia


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Erect perennial herbs.

Stems: Stems apparently short–hispidulous.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Opposite. Blades ovate, ca. 11.5–18 cm long, 5.1–9 cm wide. Apex acuminate. Base subcordate to truncate. Surfaces sparsely hirtellous, blades flaccid. Margins crenate. Petioles 4–6.5 cm long, short–hispidulous. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers 2 or 4 per verticillaster, on short, leafless, lateral branches arising in the axils below lowermost leaves, these forming racemose inflorescences 4–6.5 cm long, short–hispidulous throughout, pedicels ca. 2–4 mm long, each flower subtended by spatulate bracts 2–3 mm long. Calyx broadly obconical, ca. 2.5 mm long at anthesis, enlarging in fruit, prominently 10–nerved, hispidulous (a few hairs apparently gland–tipped), usually 5-toothed, the teeth broadly deltate, ca. 0.5–0.7 mm long, apex acute, splitting longitudinally, usually persistent or sometimes only ventral 1/2 persistent. Corolla apparently 6–8 mm long, color unknown, tube narrowly funnelform, usually curved, upper lip entire or 2-lobed, flat or concave, lower lip larger, 3-lobed, lateral lobes ovate, slightly asymmetrical, lower lobe broadly ovate to suborbicular, slightly folded to form a groove, margins somewhat undulate, apex emarginate or entire; nectary disk often present at base of ovary, annular or developed on anterior side only. Stamens 4, both pairs of similar length or upper pair slightly longer, ascending the upper corolla lip, included, aligned with the sinuses; filaments inserted near throat, usually pubescent; anthers dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits; anther sacs divaricate. Ovary superior, 2-carpellate, placentation basal-axile; ovules 1 per ovary lobe; style 1, included, arising between lobes, shortly 2-lobed, the lobes clavate; stigmatic only at apex, 1 lobe often rudimentary; stigmas 2.

Fruit: Nutlets 1.5–2 mm long. Seeds with endosperm absent or scanty and oily.


Habitat: Known only from the type collection from woods (probably in diverse mesic forest).

Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Kaua'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Fl. Hawaiian Isl.: 354 (1888)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:819 (K); Lorence et al. 1995:39 (REDISCOVER/K); Wagner 1999a:271; Wood 2012:95 (EXTINCT?)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Knudsen, L. 190 Kauai BISH
2 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 14365 Kauai PTBG 8/31/1994
3 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 9115 Kauai PTBG 9/25/2001
4 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Metrosideros Mixed Mesic Forest along stream. Associated plants: Melicope, Embelia, Perrottetia, Dubautia, Hedyotis, Cyrtandra, Carex, Psychotria, Nestegis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 2583 Kauai BISH 5/24/1993
5 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Metrosideros Mixed Mesic Forest along stream. Associated plants: Melicope, Embelia, Perrottetia, Dubautia, Hedyotis, Cyrtandra, Carex, Psychotria, Nestegis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. perlman, s. collector number: 2583 Kauai BISH 5/24/1993
6 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. Kauai BISH
7 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P. 2583 Kauai US 5/24/1993
8 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & s. p. perlman 2583 Kauai US 5/24/1993
9 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN knudsen, l. collector number: 190 Hawaii BISH
10 Phyllostegia knudsenii Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Metrosideros Mixed Mesic Forest along stream. Associated plants: Melicope, Embelia, Perrottetia, Dubautia, Hedyotis, Cyrtandra, Carex, Psychotria, Nestegis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. Perlman, S. Collector Number: 2583 Kauai BISH 5/24/1993